How to Be a Good Graduate Student and  Advisor
                              Marie desJardins
                                 March 1994


This paper attempts to raise some issues that are important for graduate 
students to be successful and to get as much out of the process as 
possible, and for advisors who wish to help their students be successful. 
The intent is not to provide prescriptive advice -- no formulas for 
finishing a thesis or twelve-step programs for becoming a better advisor 
are given -- but to raise awareness on both sides of the advisor-student
relationship as to what the expectations are and should be for this 
relationship, what a graduate student should expect to accomplish, common
problems, and where to go if the advisor is not forthcoming.

1 Introduction

This article originated with a discussion I had with several women 
professors about the problems women face in graduate school, and how
more women could be encouraged to go to graduate school in computer science. 
Eventually, the conversation turned to the question of what these women could 
do in their interactions with women students to support and encourage them.
I volunteered that over the course of my graduate career I had collected a 
variety of papers and e-mail discussions about how to be a good advisor, how 
to get through graduate school, and issues facing women. They were eager to 
get this material, and I told them I would sort through it when I got a 

After mentioning this project to a number of people, both graduate 
students and faculty -- all of whom expressed an interest in anything I 
could give them -- I realized two things: first, the issues that we were 
talking about really were not just women's issues but were of interest to
all graduate students, and to all caring advisors. 
Second, in order to disseminate the information I had collected (and was 
starting to collect from others) it seemed to make more sense to compile a 
bibliography, and write a paper that would summarize the most useful advice 
and suggestions I had collected.

I solicited inputs from friends and colleagues via mailing lists and Internet 
bulletin boards, and collected almost an overwhelming amount of information. 
Sorting through it and attempting to distill the collective wisdom of dozens 
of articles and hundreds of e-mail messages has not been an easy task, but I 
hope that the results provide a useful resource for graduate students and 
advisors alike. The advice I give here is directed towards Ph.D. students in 
computer science and their advisors, since that is my background, but I 
believe that much of it applies to graduate students in other areas as well.

In my experience, the two main things that make graduate school hard are the 
unstructured nature of the process, and the lack of information about what 
you should spend your time on. I hope that this article will provide 
information for both graduate students and advisors that will help make the 
process less painful. I owe a debt of gratitude to David Chapman, whose 
paper ([Chapman, 1988]) was an invalu- able reference for me not only during 
the writing of this article, but during graduate school as well.

The goals of this article are to raise awareness of the need for a healthy 
and interactive graduate student-advisor relationship, to provide pointers 
and guidance for both advisors and graduate students in navigating the maze 
of a doctoral degree, and to give references and resources for those who 
hope to learn more.

2 Before You Start

Many headaches can be avoided by doing some advance planning. First, why go 
to graduate school at all? The usual reasons given are that a Ph.D. is 
required or preferred for some jobs, especially research and academic 
positions; that it gives you a chance to learn a great deal about a specific 
area; and that it provides an opportunity to develop ideas and perform 
original research. Wanting to delay your job hunt is probably not a good 
enough reason. Graduate school is a lot of work and requires strong motivation 
and focus. You have to really want to be there to make it through.

It helps to have a good idea of what area you want to specialize in, and 
preferably a couple of particular research projects you might like to work 
on. Look for books and current journals and conference proceedings in your 
area, and read through them to get an idea of who's doing what where. (You'll 
be doing a lot of reading once you start graduate school, so you might as
well get used to it.) This is where advisors first enter the scene: faculty 
members ought to be willing to talk to undergraduates and help them find out 
more about research areas and graduate schools. Try to get involved in 
research: ask professors and TAs whether they need someone to work on an 
ongoing project, or start an independent research project, with guidance from 
a faculty member.

Contact faculty members and graduate students at the schools you're interested
in. Tell them about your background and interests and ask them what research 
projects they're working on. A good way to do this is via electronic mail if
possible -- e-mail is much easier and quicker to respond to than a paper 
letter. A good advisor will be willing to answer these kinds of inquiries (al-
though if they're busy they may give you only a brief answer or point you 
towards a graduate student -- you'll have to use your intuition to decide
whether they're brushing you off or just busy). If you can't get any answer 
at all, consider that that individual might not end up being a very accessible
 advisor. Asking these questions will help you narrow down your choices and 
may increase your chances of admission if the professors you contact become 
interested in working with you. 

Your best bet is to find a school where there are at least two faculty members
you'd be interested in working with. That way, if one doesn't work out, or is 
too busy to take on a new student, you have a fallback position. It's also im-
portant to most people to feel comfortable with the community of graduate 
students. It pays to talk to some of the graduate students (both junior and 
senior) to find out how they like it, which advisors are good, and what kinds 
of support (financial and psychological) are available.
Because there are so many students applying to each school, even highly 
qualified applicants are often rejected. You should apply to a range of
programs -- and don't take it personally if you do get rejected by some of 

You can increase your chances of getting into graduate school by getting good 
grades, especially in upper division classes in your area of interest, having 
a broad background in your field and in related fields (for example, psychology
classes are useful for AI students), getting a high score on the GRE if 
required, developing good relationships with your professors and work man-
agers (this is very important for getting good recommendations), working on a 
research project, and having a clear sense of what you want to work on 
(although it's always all right to change your mind later). Also, it's a good 
idea to start thinking early about sources of funding: apply for an NSF 
fellowship and ask your advisor or department office about other fellowships.

3 Doing Research

For many new graduate students, graduate school is unlike anything else 
they've done. Sometimes it's hard to know exactly what it is you're supposed 
to be learning. Yes, you have to complete a dissertation, but how do you start?
What should you spend your time doing? 

Graduate school is a very unstructured environment in most cases. Graduate 
students typically take nine hours or less of coursework per semester, e
specially after the second year. For many, the third year -- after coursework 
is largely finished and preliminary exams have been completed -- is a very 
difficult and stressful period. This is when you're supposed to find a thesis 
topic, if you're not one of the lucky few who has already found one. Once you 
do find a topic, you can expect two or more years until completion, with very 
few landmarks or milestones in sight.

The following sections talk about the day-to-day process of doing research, 
criticism and feed-back, working on the thesis, and financial support for 

3.1 The Daily Grind

Being a good researcher involves more than ``merely'' coming up with 
brilliant ideas and implementing them. Most researchers spend the majority 
of their time reading papers, discussing ideas with colleagues, writing and 
revising papers, staring blankly into space -- and, of course, having 
brilliant ideas and implementing them. 

Section 5 discusses the process and importance of becoming part of a larger 
research community, which is a critical aspect of being a successful 
researcher. This section contains ideas on keeping track of where you're 
going, and where you've been, with your research, staying motivated, and 
how to spend your time wisely.

Keeping a journal of your research activities and ideas is very useful. Write 
down speculations, interesting problems, possible solutions, random ideas, 
references to look up, notes on papers you've read, outlines of papers to 
write, and interesting quotes. Read back through it periodically. You'll 
notice that the bits of random thoughts start to come together and form
a pattern, often turning into a research project or even a thesis topic. I was
surprised, looking back through my journal as I was finishing up my thesis, 
how early and often similar ideas had cropped up in my thinking, and how they 
gradually evolved into a dissertation.

You'll have to read a lot of technical papers to become familiar with any 
field, and to stay current once you've caught up. You may find yourself 
spending over half of your time reading, especially at the beginning. This is 
normal. It's also normal to be overwhelmed by the amount of reading you think 
you ``should'' do. Try to remember that it's impossible to read everything
that might be relevant: instead, read selectively. When you first start 
reading up on a new field, ask your advisor or a fellow student what the
most useful journals and conference proceedings are in your field, and ask for 
a list of seminal or ``classic'' papers that you should definitely read. 
For AI researchers, a useful (if slightly outdated) starting point is Agre's 
[1982] summary of basic AI references. Similar documents may exist for 
other research areas -- ask around. Start with  these papers and the last few 
years of journals and proceedings.

Before bothering to read any paper, make sure it's worth it. Scan the title, 
then the abstract, then -- if you haven't completely lost interest already -- 
glance at the introduction and conclusions. (Of course, if your advisor tells 
you that this is an important paper, skip this preliminary step and jump right
in!) Before you try to get all of the nitty-gritty details of the paper, skim 
the whole thing, and try to get a feel for the most important points. If it 
still seems worthwhile and relevant, go back and read the whole thing.
Many people find it useful to take notes while they read. Even if you don't 
go back later and reread them, it helps to focus your attention and forces you
to summarize as you read. And if you do need to refresh your memory later, 
rereading your notes is much easier and faster than reading the whole paper.

A few other points to keep in mind as you read and evaluate papers:

1) Make sure the ideas described really worked (as opposed to just being 
   theoretically valid, or tested on a few toy examples).

2) Try to get past buzzwords: they may sound good, but not mean much. Is 
   there substance and an interesting idea underneath the jargon?

3) To really understand a paper, you have to understand the motivations for 
   the problem posed, the choices made in finding a solution, the assumptions 
   behind the solution, whether the assumptions are realistic and whether they 
   can be removed without invalidating the approach, future directions for 
   research, what was actually accomplished or implemented, the validity 
   (or lack thereof) of the theoretical justifications or empirical 
   demonstrations, and the potential for extending and scaling the algorithm 

Keep the papers you read filed away so you can find them again later, and 
set up an online bibliography (BibTeX is a popular format, but
anything consistent will do). I find it useful to add extra fields for 
keywords, the location of the paper (if you borrowed the reference from the
library or a friend), and a short summary of particularly interesting papers. 
This bibliography will be useful for later reference, for writing your 
dissertation, and for sharing with other graduate students (and eventually, 
perhaps, advisees).

3.2 Staying Motivated

At times, particularly in the ``middle years,'' it can be very hard to 
maintain a positive attitude and stay motivated. Many graduate students
suffer from insecurity, anxiety, and even boredom. First of all, realize 
that these are normal feelings. Try to find a sympathetic ear -- another
graduate student, your advisor, or a friend outside of school. Next, try to 
identify why you're having trouble and identify concrete steps that you can 
take to improve the situation. To stay focused and motivated, it often helps 
to have organized activities to force you to manage your time and to do 
something every day. Setting up regular meetings with your advisor, attend-
ing seminars, or even extracurricular activities such as sports or music can 
help you to maintain a regular schedule.

Chapman [1988] enumerates a number of ``immobilizing shoulds'' that can make 
you feel so guilty and unworthy that you stop making progress. Telling 
yourself that you should have a great topic, that you should finish in n 
years, that you should work 4, or 8, or 12 hours a day isn't helpful for most 
people. Be realistic about what you can accomplish, and try to concentrate on
giving yourself positive feedback for tasks you do complete, instead of 
negative feedback for those you don't. 

Setting daily, weekly, and monthly goals is a good idea, and works even 
better if you use a ``buddy system'' where you and another student meet at 
regular intervals to review your progress. Try to find people to work with: 
doing research is much easier if you have someone to bounce ideas off of 
and to give you feedback. 

Breaking down any project into smaller pieces is always a good tactic when 
things seem unmanageable. At the highest level, doing a master's project 
before diving into a Ph.D. dissertation is generally a good idea (and is 
mandatory at some schools). A master's gives you a chance to learn more 
about an area, do a smaller research project, and establish working 
relationships with your advisor and fellow students.

The divide-and-conquer strategy works on a day-to-day level as well. Instead 
of writing an entire thesis, focus on the goal of writing a chapter, section, 
or outline. Instead of implementing a large system, break off pieces and 
implement one module at a time. Identify tasks that you can do in an hour or 
less; then you can come up with a realistic daily schedule. If you have
doubts, don't let them stop you from accomplishing something -- take it one 
day at a time. Remember, every task you complete gets you closer
to finishing.

3.3 Getting to the Thesis

The hardest part of getting a Ph.D. is, of course, writing the dissertation. 
The process of finding a thesis topic, doing the research, and writing the
thesis is different from anything most students have done before. If you have 
a good advisor and support network, you'll be able to get advice and help in 
setting directions and goals. If not, you may need to be more independent. 
If this is the case, don't just isolate yourself from the world: try to go 
out and find the resources and support you need from professors, other gradu-
ate students, mailing lists, friends, family, and publications like this one.

3.3.1 Finding an Advisor

Finding the right advisor can help you immeasurably in successfully 
completing a thesis. You should ideally have selected the schools you ap-
plied to by identifying faculty members you'd like to work with. If not, 
start looking around as early as possible. Of course, the ideal advisor
will be in the area you're interested in working in, and will actively be 
doing high-quality research and be involved in and respected by the
research community. 

Read research summaries by faculty members (which are usually published by 
the department), go to talks they give, and attend or audit courses
given by professors you might be interested in working with. Talk to other 
graduate students and recent graduates. Ask them how their relationships with 
their advisors are/were, how quickly the advisor's students graduate, and how
successful (well recognized, high-quality) their research is. What kinds of 
relationships do they have -- frequent interactions, collaborative work,
encouraging independence? handing out topics or helping students to create 
individual research areas, or a more hands-off style?

Other things to find out about potential advisors:

1) What is the average time their Ph.D. students take to finish their 
   degrees? What is the dropout rate for their students?
2) How long have they been on the faculty? There are advantages and 
   disadvantages to being one of the first members of a new research group. 
   On the positive side, you often have more freedom to choose your re-
   search topic and to influence the direction of the group's research. On 
   the negative side, you may be more isolated (since there won't be older  
   graduate students in the group), and your advisor won't have as much 

A good advisor will serve as a mentor as well as a source of technical 
assistance. A mentor should provide, or help you to find, the resources
you need (financial, equipment, and psychological support); introduce you
and promote your work to important people in your field; encourage your own 
interests, rather than promoting their own; be available to give you advice 
on the direction of your thesis and your career; and help you to find a job 
when you finish. They should help you to set and achieve long-term and short-
term goals.

Once you identify one or more potential advisors, get to know them. Introduce 
yourself and describe the area you're interested in. Attend their research 
group meetings if they hold them regularly. Give them a copy of a research pro-
posal if you have a good idea of what you want to work on, and ask for 
comments. Ask whether they have any TA or RA positions available, or if
there are any ongoing research projects that you could get involved with. 
Read their published papers, and the work of their students. Drop by
during office hours and ask questions or make comments. Offer to read drafts 
of papers -- and do more than just proofread (see Section 3.4).

The type of relationship that each student needs with an advisor will be 
different. Some students prefer to be given more direction, to
have frequent contact, and to be ``checked up on.'' Others are more 
independent. Some may need contact but be self-conscious about asking
for it. Other things that vary include what kinds of feedback is preferred 
(lots of ``random'' ideas vs. very directed feedback (pointers)), working
individually vs. in groups, working on an established research project vs. 
a new, independent effort; working in the same area as your advisor
or doing an ``outside'' thesis.

You may find that your thesis advisor doesn't always give you all of the 
mentoring that you need. Multiple mentors are common and useful; they may 
include other faculty members in your department or elsewhere, senior 
graduate students, or other colleagues (see Section 5.3). You
may want to seriously consider changing thesis advisors if your advisor is 
inaccessible or disinterested, gives you only negative feedback, doesn't
have the technical background to advise you on your thesis, or harasses you 
(see Section 7). 

The most important thing is to ask for (i.e., demand politely) what you 

3.3.2 Finding a Thesis Topic

Doing a master's project is often a good idea (and is required by some 
schools). Although choosing an appropriately scaled-down topic
may be difficult, having the ideal topic is also less important, since you 
will have the chance to move on after only a year or so. If you have a
good idea of what you want to do your Ph.D. dissertation on, choosing a 
master's project that will lead into the dissertation is wise: you will
get a head start on the Ph.D., or may decide that you're not interested in 
pursuing the topic after all (saving yourself a lot of work and grief
farther down the road).

A good source of ideas for master's projects (and sometimes for dissertation 
topics) is the future work section of papers you're interested in.
Try developing and implementing an extension to an existing system or 

Generally speaking, a good Ph.D. thesis topic is interesting to you, to your 
advisor, and to the research community. As with many aspects of graduate 
school, the balance you find will depend at least in part on the relationship 
you have with your advisor. Some professors have well defined long-term 
research programs and expect their students to contribute directly to this
program. Others have much looser, but still related ongoing projects. Still 
others will take on anyone with an interesting idea, and may have a broad 
range of interesting ideas to offer their students. Be wary of the advisor 
who seems willing to let you pursue any research direction at all. You 
probably won't get the technical support you need, and they may lose interest 
in you when the next graduate student with a neat idea comes along.

If you pick a topic that you're not truly interested in simply because it's 
your advisor's pet area, it will be difficult to stay focused and motivated 
-- and you may be left hanging if your advisor moves on to a different 
research area before you finish. The same is true for choosing a
topic because of its marketability: if you're not personally excited about 
the topic, you'll have a harder time finishing and a harder time convinc-
ing other people that your research is interesting. Besides, markets change 
more quickly than most people finish dissertations.

In order to do original research, you must be aware of ongoing research in 
your field. Most students spend up to a year reading and studying current 
research to identify important open problems. However, you'll never be able 
to read everything that might be relevant -- and new work is always being 

Try to become aware and stay aware of directly related research -- but if 
you see new work that seems to be doing exactly what you're working on, don't 
panic. It's common for graduate students to see a related piece of work 
and think that their topic is ruined. If this happens to you, reread the 
paper several times to get a good understanding of what they've really been ac-
complished. Show the paper to your advisor or someone else who's familiar with
your topic and whose opinions you respect. Introduce yourself to the author 
at a conference or by e-mail, and tell them about your work. By starting a dia-
logue, you will usually find that their work isn't quite the same, and that 
there are still directions open to you. You may even end up collaborating with
them. Good researchers welcome the opportunity to interact and collaborate with
someone who's interested in the same problems they are.

To finish quickly, it's usually best to pick a narrow, well defined topic. 
The downside of this approach is that it may not be as exciting to you
or to the research community. If you're more of a risk-taker, choose a topic 
that branches out in a new direction. The danger here is that it can be
difficult to carefully define the problem, and to evaluate the solution you 
develop. If you have a topic like this, it helps a lot to have an advisor or
mentor who is good at helping you to focus and who can help you maintain a 
reasonably rigorous approach to the problem.

In the extreme case, if your topic is so out of the ordinary that it's 
unrelated to anything else, you may have difficulty convincing people
it's worthwhile. Truly innovative research is, of course, exciting and often 
pays back in recognition from the research community -- or you could
just be out in left field. If you have a far-out topic, be sure that people 
are actually interested in it, or you'll never be able to ``sell'' it later,
and will probably have trouble getting your work published and finding a job. 
In addition, it will be hard to find colleagues who are interested in
the same problems and who can give you advice and feedback.

In any case, a good topic will address important issues. You should be trying 
to solve a real problem, not a toy problem (or worse yet, no
problem at all); you should have solid theoretical work, good empirical 
results or, preferably, both; and the topic will be connected to -- but not 
be a simple variation on or extension of -- existing research. It will also 
be significant yet manageable. Finding the right size problem can be difficult.
One good way of identifying the right size is to read other dissertations. 
It's also useful to have what Chapman [1988] calls a ``telescoping orga-
nization'' -- a central problem that's solvable and acceptable, with 
extensions and additions that are ``successively riskier and that will make 
the thesis more exciting.'' If the gee-whiz additions don't pan out, you'll 
still have a solid result.

Remember that a thesis is only a few years of your work, and that -- if all 
goes well -- your research career will continue for another 30 or 40. Don't 
be afraid to leave part of the problem for future work, and don't compare 
yourself to senior researchers who have years of work and publications to 
show for it. (On the other hand, if you identify too much future work, your 
thesis won't look very exciting by comparison.) Grad- uate students often 
pick overly ambitious topics (in theory, your advisor will help you to iden-
tify a realistic size problem). Don't overestimate what other people have 
done. Learn to read between the lines of grandiose claims (something
else a good advisor will help you to do).

Some schools may require that you write a thesis proposal. Even if they don't,
this is a good first step to take. It forces you to define the problem, 
outline possible solutions, and identify evaluation criteria; and it will 
help you to get useful feedback from your advisor and other colleagues.
Writing a good thesis proposal will take up to several months, depending on 
how much background work and thinking you've already done in the process of 
choosing the topic.

The proposal should provide a foundation for the dissertation. First, you 
must circumscribe the problem and argue convincingly that it needs
to be solved, and that you have a methodology for solving it. You must 
identify and discuss related work: has this problem been addressed
before? What are the shortcomings of existing work in the area, and how will 
your approach differ from and be an improvement over these methods?

Present your ideas for solving the problem in as much detail as possible, 
and give a detailed plan of the remaining research to be done. The proposal 
should include, or be structured as, a rough outline of the thesis itself. 
In fact, unless your final topic differs significantly from your proposed 
topic (which many do), you may be able to reuse parts of the proposal in the 

You will probably have to take an oral exam in which you present and/or 
answer questions about your proposal. Be sure that your committee members 
are as familiar as possible with your work beforehand. Give them copies of the
proposal, and talk to them about it. During the exam, don't panic if you 
don't know the answer to a question. Simply say, ``I'm not sure'' and
then do your best to analyze the question and present possible answers. 
Your examining committee wants to see your analytical skills, not
just hear canned answers to questions you were expecting. Give a practice 
talk to other students and faculty members. Remember: you know
more about your thesis topic than your committee; you're teaching them 
something for a change.

3.3.3 Writing the Thesis

Graduate students often think that the thesis happens in two distinct phases: 
doing the research, and writing the dissertation. This may be the case for 
some students, but more often, these phases overlap and interact with one an-
other. Sometimes it's difficult to formalize an idea well enough to test and 
prove it until you've written it up; the results of your tsets often re-
quire you to make changes that mean that you have to go back and rewrite 
parts of the thesis; and the process of developing and testing your
ideas is almost never complete (there's always more that you could do) so 
that many graduate students end up ``doing research'' right up until
the day or two before the thesis is turned in.

The divide-and-conquer approach works as well for writing as it does for 
research. A problem that many graduate students face is that their only goal 
seems to be ``finish the thesis.'' It is essential that you break this down 
into manageable stages, both in terms of doing the research and when writing 
the thesis. Tasks that you can finish in a week, a day, or even as lit-
tle as half an hour are much more realistic goals.
Try to come up with a range of tasks, both in terms of duration and 
difficulty. That way, on days when you feel energetic and enthusiastic,
you can sink your teeth into a solid problem, but on days when you're 
run-down and unmotivated, you can at least accomplish and few small tasks
and get them off your queue.

It also helps to start writing at a coarse granularity and successively 
refine your thesis. Don't sit down and try to start writing the entire thesis
from beginning to end. First jot down notes on what you want to cover; then 
organize these into an outline (which will probably change as you progress 
in your research and writing). Start drafting sections, beginning with those 
you're most confident about. Don't feel obligated to write it perfectly the 
first time: if you can't get a paragraph or phrase right, just write something
(a rough cut, a note to yourself, a list of bulleted points) and move on. You 
can always come back to the hard parts later; the important thing is to
make steady progress.

When writing a thesis, or any technical paper, realize that your audience is 
almost guaranteed to be less familiar with your subject than you are. Explain 
your motivations, goals, and methodology clearly. Be repetitive without be-
ing boring, by presenting your ideas at several levels of abstraction, and by 
using examples to convey the ideas in a different way. 

Having a ``writing buddy'' is a good idea. If they're working on their thesis 
at the same time, so much the better, but the most important thing is that 
they be willing to give you feedback on rough drafts, meet regularly to 
chart your progress and give you psychological support, and preferably that 
they be familiar enough with your field to understand and review your

3.4 Getting Feedback

To be successful at research, it is essential that you learn to cope with 
criticism, and even that you actively seek it out. Learn to listen to valid,
constructive criticism and to ignore destructive, pointless criticism (after 
finding any pearls of wisdom that may be buried in it).

In order to get feedback, you have to present your ideas. Write up what you're
working on, even if you're not ready to write a full conference or journal 
paper, and show it to people. Even for pre-publishable papers, write 
carefully and clearly, to maximize your chances of getting useful comments 
(and of having people read what you wrote at all).

Give presentations at seminar series at your university, at conferences, and 
at other universities and research labs when you get the chance.
Your advisor should help you find appropriate forums to present your work and 
ideas. Many fields have informal workshops that are ideal for presenting work 
in progress. 

Attend conferences and talk about your research. When you meet someone new 
and they ask you what you're working on, seize the opportunity. Don't just 
say ``I'm doing my thesis on foobar applications of whats is algorithms'' 
-- tell them as much as they're willing to listen to. You should have 
30-second, 2-minute, 5-minute and 10-minute summaries of your thesis ready 
at a moment's notice (but not memorized word- for-word; nobody wants to 
listen to a canned speech).

Talking to other people will help you to realize which aspects of your 
research are truly different and innovative, how your work fits into the
current state of your field and where it's going, and which aspects of your 
work are harder to sell (and, therefore, which aspects you need to think
more about justifying).

Giving feedback to other students and colleagues is useful for many reasons. 
First, it helps you to polish your critical skills, which are help-
ful both in understanding other people's work and in evaluating your own. 
Second, it helps you to build a network of people who will be your colleagues 
for years to come. Finally, if you give useful feedback, those people will be 
more likely to make an effort to do the same for you. 

It will be helpful (to you and to the person whose paper you're reviewing) 
to organize comments on a paper in descending order of abstraction: high-level 
content-oriented comments, mid-level stylistic and presentation comments,
and low-level nitpicky comments on syntax and grammar. Try to keep your 
comments constructive (``this would read better if you defined X
before introducing Y'') rather than destructive (``this is nonsense'').

You'll want to read a paper at least twice -- once to get the basic ideas, 
then a second time to mark down comments. High-level comments describing your 
overall impression of the paper, making suggestions for organization, 
presentation and alternative approaches to try, potential extensions, and 
relevant references are generally the most useful and the hardest to give. 
Low-level comments are more appropriate for a paper that is being submitted 
for publication than for an unpublished paper such as a proposal or de-
scription of preliminary research.

3.5 Getting Financial Support

Most graduate students (at least in the natural sciences) have a source of 
financial support that pays their tuition and a small living stipend. 
Although nobody ever got rich being a graduate student, you probably won't 
starve either. Sources of funding include fellowships (from NSF, 
universisites, foundations, government agencies, and industry), employer 
support, research assistantships (i.e., money from a faculty member's 
research grant) and teaching assistantships.

Start looking for money early. Many schools arrange support in the form of 
an RA or TA position in the first year, but after that, you're on your own. 
Deadlines for applications vary, and if you miss one, you'll probably have to
wait another year. After you apply, it can take six months or so to review 
the applications and several more months to actually start receiving money.

Ask faculty members (especially your advisor, who should be helping you to 
find support or providing support out of his or her grant money), department 
administrators, and fellow graduate students about available funding. Go to 
your university's fellowship office or its equivalent, and look through the 
listings in The Annual Register of Grant Support, The Grant Register, The
Chronicle of Higher Education, and Foundation Grants to Individuals. Look 
into NSF grants (there are several different programs). Take advantage of 
your status as a woman or minority if you are one (this may be the only time 
when it actually is an advantage). Most universities have fellowship programs 
that may be administered through individual departments or may be 

If you haven't yet begun actively doing research, getting an RA position from 
a faculty member may be a good way to become involved in a research project. 
Working on an existing research project by maintaining or developing
hardware or software, writing reports, and running experiments will give you 
a feel for what it's like to do research -- and you may even find a thesis 
topic. Ask around to see what's available, and go talk to professors whose 
work you find interesting.

For a research grant or fellowship, you will probably have to write a 
proposal, so the more you've thought about potential thesis topics, the
better off you'll be. You may need to tailor your proposal to the interests 
and needs of the particular funding agency or program you're applying
to, but stick to something you know about and are sincerely interested in.

Write for a general audience, since the people reviewing your application 
may not be in the same field. Emphasize your goals and why the project you 
propose to work on is important. Talk as much as you can about how you're 
going to solve the problem, and be sure that your proposed solution will 
satisfy the goals you've set forth. Follow the rules for format, page layout
and length, or your application may not even be reviewed.

4 Advice for Advisors

In order to be a good advisor, you have to relate to your graduate students 
as individuals, not just as anonymous research assistants or tickets to 
tenure and co-authored publications. Work with all of your graduate students, 
not just those whom you feel most comfortable with, or who are interested in 
the problems you're most excited about. Try to get to know your students 
personally and professionally. Help them to identify their strengths and 
weaknesses, to build on the former, and to work on overcoming the latter.
Give them honest evaluations of their work and performance: don't just 
assume that they know how they're doing and what you think of them.

Read this paper and others like it with an eye towards discovering which 
aspects of the graduate experience your students may be having trou-
ble with, or may not realize the importance of. Try to see the experience 
from their perspective, which will be different for each student, because 
each student has a different background and different talents and goals.

The roles of an advisor include:
1) Guiding students' research: helping them to select a topic, write a 
   research proposal, perform the research, evaluate it critically, and
   write the dissertation.
2) Getting them involved in the wider research community: introducing them 
   to colleagues, collaborating on research projects with them, funding 
   conference travel, encouraging them to publish papers, nominating them for 
   awards and prizes.
3) Finding financial support: providing research assistantships or helping 
   them to find fellowships, and finding summer positions.
4) Finding a position after graduation: helping them to find and apply for 
   postdoctoral positions, faculty positions, and/or jobs in industry; 
   supporting their applications with strong recommendations; and helping 
   them to make contacts.

Although guiding your students' research is normally viewed as the central 
task of an advisor, the other roles are also critical to their long-term
success. Section 5.3 contains advice for students on networking. You can help 
them in this process by funding and encouraging travel to conferences
and paper publication, and by introducing them and talking about their 
research to colleagues.

4.1 Interacting ith Students

Especially for a new advisor, setting the right tone for student interactions 
is a difficult task. Different students respond best to different 
approaches -- and, of course, different advisors have different personal 
styles. Some of the tradeoffs that have to be made in each advisor-student 
relationship are:

1) Amount of direction: self-directed/hands-off vs. ``spoon-feeding'' 
   topics and research projects.
2) Personal interactions and psychological support: do they want advice on 
   career, family, and the like? Are you willing and able to give it, or to 
   find someone else to advise them?
3) Amount and type of criticism: general directions vs. specific suggestions 
   for improvement.
4) Frequency of interaction: daily vs. once a semester.

It helps to establish regular meeting times and to discuss expectations (both 
yours and your students') about what can and should be accomplished during 
these meetings. Encourage them to develop relationships with other faculty 
members, students, and colleagues, to get a different perspective and to get 
feedback you may not be able to give.

To improve the atmosphere of your interactions:
1) Meet over lunch or coffee to make interactions more relaxed and less 
2) Strive to maintain an open, honest relationship. Respect your students as 
3) Tell them if you think they're asking for too much or too little time or 

Advisors should be aware of both long-term and short-term needs. What should 
the student's goals over the next few years be? Help your student identify 
ways that the two of you -- as a team -- can meet these goals. Advise the 
student on the criteria for a successful qualifying exam, thesis proposal,
and dissertation. Help prepare the student for a future research career.

In the short term, a good advisor will work with students to set priorities 
and to find a balance between doing research, reading, writing, satisfying TA 
and RA duties, publishing, and coursework. Although advisors may not be able
to give advice on all administrative aspects of graduate school, they should 
at least know the appropriate people to refer students to for assistance with 
degree requirements, funding, and so on.

When you meet with your students, pay attention to them. Try to help them to 
identify their interests, concerns, and goals, not just how can they meet 
what you see as good interests, concerns, and goals. Know what they're work-
ing on, and what you discussed last time. Take notes during meetings and 
review them if you have to.

Give them productive feedback, not just a noncommittal ``ok, sure'' or a 
destructive ``why on earth do you want to do that?'' Remember that your 
students are still learning. If you tell them that a problem they're 
interested in has already been explored by Professor X, make sure
you follow up with a reference that they have access to, and a discussion as 
to whether the problem remains a worthwhile area to work on, or whether 
there are new open issues raised by Professor X's work, at the next meeting.

When reviewing a student's paper or proposal, write comments on the paper 
itself: verbal comments aren't as useful. Give the feedback promptly, or it 
won't be much help. See the section on feedback (Section 3.4) for suggestions
about giving useful comments. Don't just wait until they hand you something 
to read: insist on written drafts of proposals, papers, etc. Help them develop
their rough ideas into publishable papers. Give them specific, concrete 
suggestions for what to do next, especially if they seem to be floundering or 
making little progress. 

Advisor-student relationships can break down if the advisor is setting goals 
that are too high or too low, or if the advisor is exploiting the student to 
meet the advisor's needs, not the stu dent's. In my opinion, it is never 
appropriate to develop an intimate relationship with one of your own 
students. If this should happen, you should not continue to advise them 
(whether the relationship continues or not).

Encourage your students to choose a topic that you're both interested in and 
that you're knowledgeable about (or very interested in learning more about). 
Make sure that they have the appropriate background to understand the prob-
lem, and that the methodology and solution they identify are appropriate and 
realistic. Give them pointers to useful references and help them find them 
(this can be a mysterious, difficult process for graduate students). Make 
sure they're aware of other researchers and labs who are doing similar work, 
and if possible, arrange for them to visit these labs or meet the researchers 
at seminars or conferences.

Women faculty often feel obligated to mentor every woman student in the 
department, attend every committee meeting, and get involved in ev-
ery debate, whether they want to or not. While you can't solve all of the 
problems in the world, you can at least make a difference by giving other
women (and men, for that matter) the sense that you do care, and that you 
think women's issues are important, even if you don't have time (or
the inclination) to get involved with every problem.

5 Becoming part of the Research community.

One of the most important things a graduate students should do is to become 
established as part of the research community. Your advisor can help with 
this process by funding conference travel, encouraging you to publish 
research results early, collaborating on joint publications, introducing you 
to colleagues, and promoting your work.

In turn, you can make yourself more visible by participating in conferences 
and workshops, publishing papers on your work, and meeting and maintaining 
contact with colleagues. 

5.1 Attending Conferences

Attending conferences and workshops is valuable whether you present a paper 
or not. Some of the reasons to do so are:

1) You'll meet people and have a chance to discuss your ideas and to hear 
2) You'll get a good sense of what the current state of research is, and 
   will learn more about how to write conference papers and give talks 
   (sometimes by counterexample).
3) You'll probably realize that your ideas are more significant, relatively 
   speaking, than you thought. A common reaction is ``I could write a better 
   paper than this!'' 

If you're giving a talk you'll gain even more visibility, and will have an 
opportunity to make an impression on other researchers. Some tips for 
preparing your talk to make this impression as positive as possible:

1) Give a practice talk, especially if you tend to get stage fright. Be sure 
   to invite people who will give you constructive, but useful, feedback.
2) Make sure your talk fits in the time slot allocated. There's nothing worse 
   than a speaker who rushes through the last ten slides, or skips from the 
   middle of the talk to the conclusion. A good rough rule is to allocate 2-3
   minutes per slide, on average. 
3) It's better to be somewhat abstract than to get bogged down in technical 
   details -- but be sure you give enough detail to make a convincing case. 
   Your paper should fill in the missing details, so that people can read it 
   to get a more in-depth understanding. Know your audience: you'll have to 
   give more background to a general audience, and more technical detail to 
   audiences that are very familiar with the field of research you're 
4) Use examples and pictures to illustrate and clarify your ideas.
5) Learn by observation: try to imitate qualities of talks that you like, 
   and avoid things that other speakers do that bother you.
6) Talk about your ideas informally whenever you get the chance, so that the 
   talk will come more naturally and, hopefully, you'll have a chance to 
   respond to and think about questions that might get asked at the talk. 
7) Make sure your slides are readable and as simple as possible. Never put 
   up a slide with tiny text and say ``I know you can't read this, but...''
8) Try to relax. Don't read from a script or word-for-word from your slides,  
   and don't talk too fast. Be confident: you know more about your work 
   (flaws and all) than anyone else.

5.2 Publishing Papers

Publishing your ideas is important for several reasons: it gives you a source 
of feedback from people who read your papers; it establishes you as a member 
of the research community (useful for getting a job down the line); and it 
forces you to clarify your ideas and to fit them in the context of the 
current state of research in your field.

There are two key properties of a good paper: significant content -- original,
important ideas that are well developed and tested -- and good writing style. 
The degree to which the paper's content has to be ``significant'' depends 
on where  you're submitting it. Preliminary ideas and work in progress are 
more suitable for a workshop or symposium; well developed, extensively tested
ideas are more appropriate for a journal. One way to decide where your paper 
should be submitted is to read papers in potentially appropriate publications 
(last year's conference proceedings; current journal issues). Another method
to show a draft or outline of the paper to your advisor or other colleagues 
and ask their advice.

If you have a great idea, but present it poorly, your paper probably won't be 
accepted. Be sure you know what the point of the paper is, and state it 
clearly and repeatedly. The same goes for the key technical ideas. Don't make 
the reader work to figure out what's important -- tell them explicitly. 
Otherwise, they might get it wrong, if they bother to finish reading the 
paper at all. State the problem you're adderssing, why it's important, how 
you're solving  it, what results you have, how other researchers have 
addressed the same or similar problems, and why your method is different or 

Write for the audience that you expect to read the paper, just as you would 
plan a talk. Give more background for general audiences, less background 
and more technical detail for specialized audiences. Use a running exmaple 
if possible, especially if your paper is dense with equations and algorithms.

Don't try to put every idea in your thesis into one conference paper. Break 
it down into pieces, or write one or two longer journal articles. 

As you refine your ideas, you can re-publish in new forms, but be sure 
you're adding new material, not just rehashing the same ideas. Some papers 
start as short workshop papers, evolve into conference papers, and 
eventually -- with the addition of detailed empirical results or formal 
proofs -- become journal articles. It's usually okay to publish the same or 
substantially similar papers in multiple workshops, but papers for conferences
and journals generally have to be original, unpublished work.

It is critical that any paper you plan to submit be read by someone else 
first, if only to check for typos, grammatical errors, and style. A good re-
viewer will give you feedback on the organization and content of the paper 
as well (see Section 3.4). The more tightly refereed the publication you're 
submitting to, the more trouble you should go to to have it pre-reviewed. For 
a workshop paper, having your advisor read it over is proba bly enough. For a 
refereed conference, have one or two other graduate students read it as well.
For a journal paper, you should probably find researchers who are active in 
the field, preferably at other institutions (to give breadth), read it over 
and give you comments. This is where the network of colleagues you should 
build (Section 5.3) comes in handy.

If your paper is rejected, keep trying! Take the reviews to heart and try to 
rewrite the paper, addressing the reviewer's comments. You'll get more 
substantial and useful reviews from journals than conferences or workshops. 
Often a journal paper will be returned for revisions; usually a conference 
paper will just be accepted or rejected outright. After reading the review 
the first time, put it aside. Come back to it later, reading the paper 
closely to decide whether the criticisms were valid and how you can address
them. You will often find that reviewers make criticisms that are off-target 
because they misinterpreted some aspect of your paper. If so, don't let it 
get to you -- just rewrite that part of your paper more clearly so that the 
same misunderstanding won't happen again. It's frustrating to have a paper 
rejected because of a misunderstanding, but at least it's something you can 
fix. On the other hand, criticisms of the content of the paper may require 
more substantial revisions -- rethinking your ideas, running more tests, or
redoing an analysis.

5.3 Networking

One of the most important skills you should be learning in graduate school 
is how to ``network.'' Breaking into the research community requires
attending conferences, meeting established researchers, and making yourself 
known. Networking is a learned skill, so you shouldn't expect to be an expert 
at it immediately; but it is also a skill that you can, and should, learn in 
order to be a successful member of the research community.

Just going to conferences and standing in the corner isn't enough. 
Especially if you're not normally an outgoing person, you have to make
a conscious effort to meet and build relationships with other researchers. 
Presenting papers is a good way to do this, since people will often approach 
you to discuss your presentation. Introducing yourself to people whose 
presentations you found interesting, and asking a relevant question or 
describing related research you're doing, is also a good way to meet people.

You should talk about your research interests every chance you get. 
(But be sure to spend some time listening, too: you'll learn more this 
way, and people will feel that your conversations are a two-way street.) 
Have summaries of your work of various lengths and levels of detail mentally 
prepared, so that you can answer the inevitable ``So what are you working 
on?'' intelligently and clearly. If someone expresses an interest in your 
work, follow up! Send them e-mail talking about new ideas or asking 
questions; send them drafts of papers; ask them for drafts of their papers 
and send them comments. (If you do this, they'll be sure to remember you!) 
Bring business cards with your e-mail address to conferences to help new 
acquaintances jog their memory. 

Maintain the relationships you form via e-mail, and by re-establishing 
contact at each workshop or conference you attend. If you work at it, and 
use your initial acquaintances to meet new people, you'll find that your 
``network'' grows rapidly.

Sometimes these contacts will grow into opportunities to do collaborative 
research. Seize these opportunities: you will meet more people, often become 
exposed to new methods of doing research or new subfields within your research
area, and the responsibility you feel towards your collaborator may give you 
more of an incentive to stay motivated and keep accomplishing something.

Other professional activities can bring you into the research network as 
well: volunteer for program committees, send your resume to a book review 
editor, offer to give seminars at other universities, write conference and 
workshop papers and send them to people you've met or would like to meet, 
or organize a workshop on your subfield at a larger conference. Mentoring ju-
nior graduate students and undergraduates is a good investment in the long 
run (besides providing them a valuable service and making you feel useful 
and knowledgeable).

Finding specific mentors can be very useful. Especially if you feel that you 
are isolated at your institution, having a colleague at another institution 
who can give you advice, feedback on drafts of papers, and suggestions 
for research directions can be extremely valuable. 

6 All work and no play ...

Finding a balance between work, play, and other activities isn't easy. 
Different people will give you very different advice. Some people say you
should be spending eighty or ninety percent of your waking hours working 
on your thesis. Others (myself included) think that this is unrealistic 
and unhealthy, and that it's important for your mental and physical health 
to have other active interests. 

If you have a family, you will have to balance your priorities even more 
carefully. Graduate school isn't worth risking your personal relationships 
over; be sure that you save time and energy to focus on the people who matter 
to you. 

One of the keys to balancing your life is to develop a schedule that's more 
or less consistent. You may decide that you will only work during the days, 
and that evenings are for your hobbies. Or you might decide that afternoons 
are for socializing and exercising, and work late at night. I decided very 
early on in graduate school that weekends were for me, not for my thesis, 
and I think it helped me to stay sane.

Many graduate students hit the doldrums around the end of the second or 
beginning of the third year, when they're finishing up their coursework 
and trying to focus in on a thesis topic. Sometimes this process can take 
quite a while. Try to find useful, enjoyable activities that can take your 
mind off of the thesis. Sing in a choir, learn a foreign language, study the
history of ancient Greece, garden, or knit. If you schedule regular 
activities (rehearsals, tennis lessons), you will probably find it easier to
avoid drifting aimlessly from day to day. 

In the final push to finish your thesis, though, you will almost certainly 
have less time for social activities than you used to. Your friends may start 
to make you feel guilty, whether they intend to or not. Warn them in advance 
that you expect to turn down lots of invitations, and it's nothing 
personal -- but you need to focus on your thesis for a while. Then you'll be 
all done and free as a bird! (Until the next phase of your life starts...) 

7 Issues for Women

Although this paper started out from a discussion about the problems women 
face in graduate school, it has evolved into something that I think is 
relevant for everyone, not just women. This is not to say, however, that 
there aren't special problems faced by women. 

In many cases, women and men face the same obstacles in graduate school, 
but react differently to them. For women, the additional factors that 
are sometimes (but not always) present include isolation, low self-esteem, 
harassment and discrimination, unusual time pressures arising from family 
responsibilities, lack of a support network, and lack of relevant experience. 
Having an unsupportive advisor can thus become much more of a problem for 
women than for men. I hope that to some extent, this paper will help both 
women and advisors of women to provide the supportive, positive environment 
that all graduate students deserve. 

Part of the reason that I changed the focus of the paper is that there have 
been many articles written recently on the subject of women scientists and 
women graduate students. These include [Spertus, 1992, Toth, 1988, Hall and 
Sandler, b, Hall and Sandler, c, Hall and Sandler, a, Sandler and Hall, 1986, 
NSF, 1989, Leveson, 1989, Strok, 1992]; [McKay, 1988] talks about issues 
relevant for minority faculty members, many of which pertain to minority 
graduate students. The systers mailing list is an electronic resource for 
women in computer science; send e- mail to for 
more information. 

8 Conclusions

In addition to the papers I have cited directly in the article, I found a 
variety of other resources to be useful, and have included them in the Ref-
erences section. 

The UC Berkeley Graduate is a newsletter published by the UC Berkeley 
Graduate Division with articles of general interest to graduate students. 
I found this publication very informative both during graduate school and 
while writing this article. A number of particularly interesting articles 
are included in the References section. 

Several articles ([Bundy et al., 1986, Bental, 1992, Chapman, 1988]) give 
general advice on graduate school and doing research. Guidelines and 
suggestions for reviewing papers are given in [Smith, 1990] and 
[Shriver, 1990]. 

A number of articles on writing proposals and successfully applying for 
research grants are available ([Somerville, 1982, White, 1983, White, 1975, 
Lefferts, 1978]). 

Graduate school is not an easy process, and too many students are thwarted 
and intimidated by unsupportive or unskilled advisors, lack of knowledge 
about what graduate school is all about, inflexible bureaucracies, and 
a myriad of other obstacles. I have tried to give advice that graduate 
students and caring advisors can use to lessen some of these obstacles.


[Agre, 1982] Philip E. Agre. What to read: A biased guide to AI literacy 
for the beginner. Technical Report Working Paper 239, MIT AI Lab, November 

[Bental, 1992] Diana Bental. Thesis prevention: Advice to phd supervisors. 
AIS uarterly o. 80 ( ewsletter of the Society for the Study of Artificial 
Intelligence and Simulation of e-haviour , pages 58--60, Summer 1992. 
(Pub- lished under the alias `The Siblings of Perpetual Prototyping').

[Bundy et al., 1986] Alan Bundy, Ben du Boulay, Jim Howe, and Gordon 
Plotkin. The researchers' bible. Technical Report DAI Teaching Paper No. 
4, Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, September

[Chapman, 1988] David Chapman. How to do research at the MIT AI lab. 
Technical Report AI Working Paper 316, MIT, October 1988. 

[Division, 1986a] UC Berkeley Graduate Division. Finding money for 
dissertation research/writing. The Graduate, II(3), Fall 1986.

[Division, 1986b] UC Berkeley Graduate Division. Studying for the 
qualifying exam. The Graduate, II(3), Fall 1986.

[Division, 1986c] UC Berkeley Graduate Division. Writing your thesis. The 
Graduate, II(1), Spring 1986.

[Division, 1987a] UC Berkeley Graduate Division. Interviewing for a faculty 
position. The Graduate, III(2), Fall 1987.

[Division, 1987b] UC Berkeley Graduate Division. The making of a successful 
proposal. The Graduate, III(1), Spring 1987.

[Division, 1988] UC Berkeley Graduate Division. Choosing your thesis or 
dissertation topic. The Graduate, I (2), Fall 1988.

[Division, 1989] UC Berkeley Graduate Division. Beating the isolation blues. 
The Graduate, (1), Spring 1989.

[Hall and Sandler, a] Roberta M. Hall and Bernice R. Sandler. Academic 
mentoring for women students and faculty: A new look at an old way to get 

[Hall and Sandler, b] Roberta M. Hall and Bernice R. Sandler. The classroom 
climate: A chilly one for women?

[Hall and Sandler, c] Roberta M. Hall and Bernice R. Sandler. Out of the 
classroom: A chilly campus climate for women?

[Lefferts, 1978] Robert Lefferts. Getting a Grant: How to rite Successful 
Grant roposals. 1978.

[Leveson, 1989] Nancy Leveson. Women in computer science: A report for the 
NSF CISE cross-disciplinary activities advisory committee, December 1989.

[McKay, 1988] Nellie Y. McKay. Minority faculty in [mainstream white] 
academia, 1988. Chapter 5.

[NSF, 1989] NSF. An NSF study and report about women in computing research. 
Computing Research ews, Summer 1989.

[Sandler and Hall, 1986] Bernice R. Sandler and Roberta M. Hall. The 
campus climate revisited: Chilly for women faculty, administrators, 
and graduate students, October 1986. 

[ Shriver, 1990] Bruce D. Shriver. The benefits of quality refereeing. C TER, 
pages 10--16, April 1990. Also includes COMPUTER's guidelines for referees.

[Smith, 1990] Alan Jay Smith. The task of the referee. C TER, pages 65--71, 
April 1990.

[Somerville, 1982] Bill Somerville. Where proposals fail: A foundation 
executive's basic list of what to do and not do when requsting funding. 
The Grantsmanship Center ews, Jan/Feb 1982.

[Spertus, 1992] Ellen Spertus. Why are there so few female computer 
scientists?, 1992. Expected to become an MIT AI Lab Technical Report.

[Strok, 1992] Dale Strok. Women in AI. IEEE Expert, 7(4):7--21, August 1992.

[Toth, 1988] Emily Toth. Women in academia. In The Academics' Handbook. 
Duke UniversityP ress, 1988. Chapter 4.

[White, 1975] Virginia White. Grants: How to Find about About Them and what t
o o ext. Plenum Press, 1975.

[White, 1983] Virginia White. Grant roposals That Succeeded. Plenum Press, 