#Programmer: Sriram Pemmaraju #Date: March 26th, 2009 import random import time import sys # generate a random list of integers # list size = n, range of ints: 1 to max def genIntList(n, max): # we are generating a new list so define it lst = [] for i in range(n): # create a new random integer (r) r = random.randint(1, max) # append this random integer to our list lst.append(r) # return our list return lst # This swaps the contents of slots i and j in list C def swap(C, i, j): temp = C[i] C[i] = C[j] C[j] = temp # This is the implementation of the bubble sort algorithm # discussed in class on March 13th and23rd def bubbleSort(C): n = len(C) # i is an index that is required to travel from 0 to n-2, # thus pointing from the first array slot to the last-but-one slot for i in range(0, n-1): # j is an index that travels from the last-but-one slot in the # array to slot i. # Example: n = 10, i = 4. The slots are indexed 0,1,..,9 and we # want j to travel from 8 down to 4. for j in range(n-2, i-1, -1): if(C[j] > C[j+1]): swap(C, j, j+1) # Using the element C[left] as pivot, this method partitions # the subarray C[left..right] into three "blocks": C[left..p-1], # C[p] and C[p+1..right] such that everything in the first block # is less than C[p] and everything in the third block is greater # than or equal to C[p]. The index p is returned. # This method is key to the success of QuickSort def partition(C, left, right): # If you want to implement randomized quick sort just uncomment the # next two lines of code # p = random.randint(left, right) # swap(list, left, p) p = left # Scan elements in slots p+1 through last and compare with C[p] # and reposition if necessary for i in range(p+1, right+1): if(C[i] < C[p]): swap(C, i, p+1) swap(C, p, p+1) p = p + 1 return p def recursiveQuickSort(C, left, right): if(left < right): p = partition(C, left, right) recursiveQuickSort(C, left, p-1) recursiveQuickSort(C, p+1, right) # The wrapper function around recursiveQuickSort so that the # user does not have to type extra arguments, whose sole purpose # is to control the recursion. def quickSort(C): left = 0 right = len(C)-1 recursiveQuickSort(C, left, right) # This is the method that needs to be called in order to generate # timings for bubble sort and quicksort def main(): sys.setrecursionlimit(20000) for n in range(1000, 11000, 500): sumBubbleTime = 0 sumQuickTime = 0 for i in range(0, 10): # Generate an array of size n with elements in the range 1 through 1 million numList = genIntList(n, 1000000) sbt = time.time() bubbleSort(numList) ebt = time.time() elapsedBubbleTime = ebt - sbt sqt = time.time() quickSort(numList) eqt = time.time() elapsedQuickTime = eqt - sqt sumBubbleTime += elapsedBubbleTime sumQuickTime += elapsedQuickTime print("{" + str(sumBubbleTime*1.0/10) + ", " + str(sumQuickTime*1.0/10) + "},")