import structure.*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Collection; /* Greg Nichols 10/27/2004 This will help test your graph class... it's not exhaustive, but if your class can pass these tests, then you can be sure most (if not all) of it works correctly. */ public class graphTest { public graphTest() { MyAbstractGraph mg; Matrix testMatrix; Vector testVec; boolean testBool; // create whichever kind of graph class you're testing here mg = new MyMatrixGraph(); // make sure there are no vertices yet if( mg.numberOfVertices() != 0 ) { System.out.println( "Test #1 failed" ); return; } // make sure there are no edges yet if( mg.numberOfEdges() != 0 ) { System.out.println( "Test #2 failed" ); return; } // add some vertices (some a few times) mg.addVertex( "Chicago" ); mg.addVertex( "Buffalo" ); mg.addVertex( "New York" ); mg.addVertex( "Chicago" ); mg.addVertex( "Atlanta" ); mg.addVertex( "Houston" ); mg.addVertex( "Chicago" ); mg.addVertex( "Chicago" ); mg.addVertex( "Denver" ); mg.addVertex( "Buffalo" ); mg.addVertex( "Atlanta" ); // make sure the right number of vertices are there if( mg.numberOfVertices() != 6 ) { System.out.println( "Test #3 failed" ); return; } // make sure there are no edges yet if( mg.numberOfEdges() != 0 ) { System.out.println( "Test #4 failed" ); return; } // add a whole bunch of edges (some a few times) mg.addEdge( "Chicago", "New York" ); mg.addEdge( "Chicago", "Houston" ); mg.addEdge( "Denver", "Buffalo" ); mg.addEdge( "Denver", "Buffalo" ); mg.addEdge( "Denver", "New York" ); mg.addEdge( "Denver", "Atlanta" ); mg.addEdge( "Denver", "Houston" ); mg.addEdge( "Houston", "Denver" ); mg.addEdge( "Buffalo", "Denver" ); mg.addEdge( "New York", "Chicago" ); mg.addEdge( "Denver", "Houston" ); mg.addEdge( "Buffalo", "New York" ); mg.addEdge( "New York", "Buffalo" ); mg.addEdge( "New York", "Chicago" ); mg.addEdge( "Houston", "Atlanta" ); mg.addEdge( "Denver", "Buffalo" ); mg.addEdge( "Chicago", "New York" ); mg.addEdge( "Chicago", "New York" ); mg.addEdge( "Atlanta", "Houston" ); mg.addEdge( "New York", "Chicago" ); mg.addEdge( "Denver", "Houston" ); mg.addEdge( "Houston", "Denver" ); mg.addEdge( "Houston", "Denver" ); mg.addEdge( "Denver", "Buffalo" ); mg.addEdge( "Houston", "Atlanta" ); mg.addEdge( "New York", "Denver" ); mg.addEdge( "New York", "Atlanta" ); mg.addEdge( "Buffalo", "Denver" ); mg.addEdge( "Buffalo", "New York" ); mg.addEdge( "New York", "Buffalo" ); mg.addEdge( "Chicago", "New York" ); mg.addEdge( "Atlanta", "New York" ); mg.addEdge( "Atlanta", "Denver" ); mg.addEdge( "Denver", "Buffalo" ); mg.addEdge( "Chicago", "New York" ); mg.addEdge( "Chicago", "New York" ); mg.addEdge( "Atlanta", "Houston" ); mg.addEdge( "Houston", "Denver" ); mg.addEdge( "Houston", "Chicago" ); mg.addEdge( "Houston", "Atlanta" ); // make sure there are the right number of edges if( mg.numberOfEdges() != 9 ) { System.out.println( "Test #5 failed" ); return; } // try and connect a vertex that isn't there testBool = false; try { mg.addEdge( "Chicago", "Iowa City" ); } catch( Throwable t ) { testBool = true; // an exception got thrown } if( !testBool ) { System.out.println( "Test #6 failed" ); return; } // same test, different direction testBool = false; try { mg.addEdge( "Iowa City", "Chicago" ); } catch( Throwable t ) { testBool = true; // an exception got thrown } if( !testBool ) { System.out.println( "Test #7 failed" ); return; } // make sure that getVertices() returns all the vertices testVec = mg.getVertices(); if( testVec.size() != 6 || testVec.indexOf("Chicago") == -1 || testVec.indexOf("Buffalo") == -1 || testVec.indexOf("New York") == -1 || testVec.indexOf("Houston") == -1 || testVec.indexOf("Denver") == -1 || testVec.indexOf("Atlanta") == -1 ) { System.out.println( "Test #8 failed" ); return; } // check to see if getNeighbors() validates its input testBool = false; try { testVec = mg.getNeighbors( "Iowa City" ); } catch( Throwable t ) { testBool = true; // an exception got thrown } if( !testBool ) { System.out.println( "Test #9 failed" ); return; } // make sure that getNeighbors() returns all the correct stuff testVec = mg.getNeighbors( "New York" ); if( testVec.size() != 4 || testVec.indexOf("Chicago") == -1 || testVec.indexOf("Buffalo") == -1 || testVec.indexOf("Denver") == -1 || testVec.indexOf("Atlanta") == -1 ) { System.out.println( "Test #10 failed" ); return; } // check to see if areNeighbors() validates its input testBool = false; try { mg.areNeighbors( "Denver", "Iowa City" ); } catch( Throwable t ) { testBool = true; // an exception got thrown } if( !testBool ) { System.out.println( "Test #11 failed" ); return; } // check to see if areNeighbors() validates its input (other direction) testBool = false; try { mg.areNeighbors( "Iowa City", "Denver" ); } catch( Throwable t ) { testBool = true; // an exception got thrown } if( !testBool ) { System.out.println( "Test #12 failed" ); return; } // spot check a few neighbors calls if( mg.areNeighbors( "Buffalo", "New York" ) == false || mg.areNeighbors( "Houston", "Denver" ) == false || mg.areNeighbors( "Chicago", "New York" ) == false || mg.areNeighbors( "Chicago", "Atlanta" ) == true || mg.areNeighbors( "Buffalo", "Houston" ) == true || mg.areNeighbors( "Denver", "Chicago" ) == true ) { System.out.println( "Test #13 failed" ); return; } // check to see if deleteEdge() validates its input testBool = false; try { mg.deleteEdge( "Denver", "Iowa City" ); } catch( Throwable t ) { testBool = true; // an exception got thrown } if( !testBool ) { System.out.println( "Test #14 failed" ); return; } // check to see if deleteEdge() validates its input (other direction) testBool = false; try { mg.deleteEdge( "Iowa City", "Denver" ); } catch( Throwable t ) { testBool = true; // an exception got thrown } if( !testBool ) { System.out.println( "Test #15 failed" ); return; } // delete an edge... mg.deleteEdge( "Buffalo", "New York" ); // make sure there are 8 edges left if( mg.numberOfEdges() != 8 ) { System.out.println( "Test #16 failed" ); return; } // they better not be neighbors now if( mg.areNeighbors( "Buffalo", "New York" ) == true ) { System.out.println( "Test #17 failed" ); return; } // check to see if deleteVertex() validates its input testBool = false; try { mg.deleteVertex( "Iowa City" ); } catch( Throwable t ) { testBool = true; // an exception got thrown } if( !testBool ) { System.out.println( "Test #18 failed" ); return; } // delete Denver (didn't need it anyway!) mg.deleteVertex( "Denver" ); // should only be 5 vertices left... if( mg.numberOfVertices() != 5 ) { System.out.println( "Test #19 failed" ); return; } // deleting Denver takes out 4 edges too... in addition to the one hosed above if( mg.numberOfEdges() != 9 - 4 - 1 ) { System.out.println( "Test #20 failed" ); return; } // make sure Denver's really gone testVec = mg.getVertices(); if( testVec.indexOf("Denver") != -1 ) { System.out.println( "Test #21 failed" ); return; } // Buffalo should have no neighbors now testVec = mg.getNeighbors( "Buffalo" ); if( testVec.size() != 0 ) { System.out.println( "Test #22 failed" ); return; } // get rid of Chicago, and the NewYork/Atlanta edge mg.deleteVertex( "Chicago" ); mg.deleteEdge( "New York", "Atlanta" ); // should only be one edge left testMatrix = mg.getEdges(); testBool = ((testMatrix.get(0,0) == "Houston") && (testMatrix.get(1,0) == "Atlanta")) || ((testMatrix.get(0,0) == "Atlanta") && (testMatrix.get(1,0) == "Houston")); if( testMatrix.height() != 2 || testMatrix.width() != 1 || !testBool ) { System.out.println( "Test #23 failed" ); return; } // Buffalo's the only one left... mg.deleteVertex( "Houston" ); mg.deleteVertex( "Atlanta" ); mg.deleteVertex( "New York" ); if( mg.numberOfVertices() != 1 ) { System.out.println( "Test #24 failed" ); return; } // and no edges left if( mg.numberOfEdges() != 0 ) { System.out.println( "Test #25 failed" ); return; } // all done! System.out.println( "all tests passed!" ); } public static void main(String args[]) { new graphTest(); } }