How to submit your project

The submit program is a simple tool for you to electronically submit your work to us for grading. Follow the steps given below to submit to us your solution to project 1. For this assignment, you should have exactly 1 file named program1.cxx located in a directory named program1. You are to submit the directory. In the process, the entire contents of the directory will be submitted.

  1. Check to see that your are in the directory containing the directory to be submitted. If not, change the working directory using the command cd .
  2. Submit your directory by typing the following:
  3.                 submit program1

  4. You will then be asked two questions as shown below. The first question asks you for the course. Your response (shown in boldface) should be c030. The second question asks you for a location. You response should depend on your section number. If you are registered for section 1 you should respond 001. If you are registered for another section, substitute your section number in place of the 001 prefix.
  5. Course (22C:016 would be c016): c030
    Possible submit directories for /group/submit/c030 are:
    Choice:   001

    If all goes well, you should get the following message from submit.

    x program1, 15 bytes, 1 block
    * File/directory program1 has been 
    *  copied to /group/submit/c030/001/program1.kearney.

Your file will be copied to a location where they can be read by the instructor or the TAs. The files will also be time stamped and no files submitted after 10:30 AM on Friday 9/7/01 will be accepted.