22C:296 Human Computer Interaction: Bibliography

The first stage of the seminar involves a broad exploration of the field of human computer interaction. In the next stage of the course, class members will be required to conduct an in-depth investigation of a specialty area (a reasonably narrow domain of research.) In preparation for this work, this project asks you to perform a literature search on a topic of interest to you in HCI.

The search area should address a research question related to the readings or other areas in HCI. Pick an area in which you are not at expert. You can work by yourself or in groups of size 2 or 3.

Your goal is to learn who is doing what in your chosen area. You should use all tools at your disposal to find out what's happening in this area including web searches, scientific and technical indices, reference librarians, email to knowledgeable people, etc. You chief aim to to get familiar with the lay of the land. You needn't read the literature in depth.

The Details

  1. Define your topic area. Consult with me if you're uncertain about the breadth of topic area or are having problems finding a topic area.
  2. Search, hunt, and dig.
  3. Give a 5-10 minute presentation of your findings in class on Wednesday, September 11.
  4. Submit a brief description of your area and report on your findings on Wednesday, September 11.