22C:196 Computer Animation

Spring 2003

Assignment 1
Make Something Move

DUE DATE: 2/7/03

The purpose of this assignment is for groups to get acquainted and to settle on a system, compiler, and API for future assignments. The basic requirement is to write a program to make a 3D object move from one position to another.

Make Commitments

To a system

Unix and Windows machines are available in Room 303 MLH.
To a Language and API

Groups members should collectively decide what language in which you will write your programs, what compiler you will use, and what graphics API you will use.
To a Method of Presenting Your Project

Groups will demonstrate their project in class on Friday. Each group is responsible for finding a method to show their work in class. Options include loading a program on the Windows machine in the class, bringing a machine to class, making a video tape, or showing a movie file.
Be Creative

In all projects, you are encouraged to be creative in satisfying the basic requirements. In this assignment, what you decide to move and how to decide to move it are left open to you.