import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static java.lang.Integer.max; import static java.lang.Integer.min; /** * For complexity analysis, let m be this.max and n be the number of elements in this set. */ public class nSet { // this class implements the set operations over sets of natural numbers. public int Max; // maximal natural number in any set private int n_long; // the number of long integers: 64*n_long > Max private long[] store; // the store has n_long longs private int size; // remember the size of the current set // Constructor: runtime = O(m), with a small constant public nSet(int n) { this.Max = n; if (n <= 0) { this.Max = 1; } this.n_long = (n >> 6) + 1; // n_long = n/64+1, number of longs = new long[n_long]; for (int i = 0; i this.Max) return; int i = (x>>6); // i = x/64 int j = x - (i<<6); // j = x % 64, i.e., 64i + j = x long y =[i]; if (((y>>>j) & 1) == 1) return; // if x is present, do nothing[i] |= ((long) 1< this.Max) return false; int i = (x>>6); // i = x/64 int j = x - (i<<6); // j = x % 64, i.e., 64i + j = x long y =[i]; return ((y>>>j) & 1) == 1; // "&" is the bitwise OR operation } //O(m) linear time, with a small constant public void clear () { for(int i = 0; i>>j) & 1) == 1) counter++; } } this.size = counter; } // Constant runtime public void print () { // print up to 30 numbers in the current nSet System.out.print("{ "); int count = 0; for(int i=0; i>> j) & 1) == 1) { System.out.print(((i << 6) + j)+", "); if (++count >= 30) { System.out.println("... }"); return; } } System.out.println("}"); } // O(m) runtime public nSet union (nSet X) { int maximum = max(this.Max, X.Max); nSet A = new nSet(maximum); for(int i=0 ;i < n_long; i++) {[i] =[i] |[i]; } A.set_size(); return A; } /* You need to complete the implementation of the following operations: public boolean isEmpty () { // return true iff the current nSet is empty } public boolean delete (int x) { // return false if x isn't in the set; // delete the number x from the current set and return true. } public nSet intersect (nSet X) { // return a new nSet which is the intersection of the current nSet and X } public nSet subtract (nSet X) { // return a new nSet which is the subtraction of the current nSet by X } public nSet complement() { // return a new nSet which is the complement of the current nSet } public boolean equal(nSet X) { // return true iff X and the current nSet contain the same set of numbers } public boolean isSubset(nSet X) { // return true iff X is a subset of the current nSet } public int[] toArray () { // return an int array which contains all the numbers in the current nSet } public void enumerate() { // Enumerate all subsets of the current nSet and print them out. // You may assume the current nSet contains less than 30 numbers. } */ public static void main(String[] args) { // testing nSet A = new nSet(1000); for (int i = 1; i